Well, 2010 has started in the heat of the spotlight. The W’sFDB was the focus of the Spectro Oils booth at the annual Indy Motorsports Dealer Show. The best part was everybody from Milwaukee, as well as the engine team from Joplin, got to attend the show!

The MX bike was an absolute hit and was featured in a little blurb in the daily show program. Everybody that stopped by the booth had a KX5 story to share. The bike even brought dirt bike stories out of John Penton, Malcolm Smith, Danny Eslick and Tom Morgan.

It was a great way to start the year and keep the momentum growing! Stewart made great use of his first ‘vacation’ day since Shep was a pup, Kevin is ready for streamlined bodywork, and Mark can taste 130+ on the MX bike!
1 comment:
Great meeting you at the Indy Show, Mark! -Harold, giantloopmoto.com
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